My Philosophy

Every photographer has a philosophy that they live by. Some may be rather vague and general, but the great photographers have a philosophy that’s more detailed.

Mine is simple, but inclusive of the what I consider to be important.


When I take on a project, I ask myself the following:

  1. What is the overall story I’m trying to communicate?
  2. Is there a specific idea and/or emotion that I am trying to capture?
  3. What style do I want to do this in?
  4. How do I get those in the photograph to be in communication with me, and thus the camera?

Once I’m on a project I have to incorporate the points above into how I work. And with each photo I stick to the following principles:

  1. What am I trying to convey in the photo?
  2. What elements do I want?
  3. Is there anything distracting from what I am trying to do?
  4. If I can’t change something, can I fix it after?
  5. Will my client love it?